It’s interesting to observe why we, as a Western society, are so disconnected from birth, and even more so, the placenta, often carrying feelings of disgust,
similar to those associated with women’s menstrual blood.
Isn’t this a reflection of the way we are living as a collective?
Disconnected from ourselves,
from our bodies,
living from the neck up.
Disconnected from others,
from Nature,
living in separation.
I only became aware of the importance of the placenta three years ago during the Innate Traditions postpartum course, and it was shocking and difficult to understand what I was really feeling regarding how we got here.
Behind the shock,
I felt confused,
and a profound sense of grief for the non acknowledgement of my own placenta,
for what might have happened to her.
There are so many layers to this conversation.
The reason why cord clamping is done so soon after birth, with what, made by whom…
The way the allopathic medical system treats the placenta as if it were its own is brutal. Placentas are treated as medical waste or sold to the cosmetics industry without the parents’ authorization and without any kind of conversation about its purpose.
The truth is that the placenta belongs to the baby and the mother, and therefore the mother should have the right to decide how she would like to close the placenta’s circle of life.
The placenta is a miraculous organ, it is called the baby’s twin in some traditional cultures and is more genetically identical to the baby than the baby is to the parents.
In Western society, there is so much misinformation, combined with a deep amnesia since the days of the witch hunts, since the mass execution of traditional midwives - the women who still carried the wisdom in Europe of how to support others in traditional ways in the transitions of Life, Death and Rebirth.
We have been living under a collective spiritual malady for many, many centuries.
Indigenous traditions around the world still practise this ancient medicine.
Placenta medicine is still honoured with reverence.
We have the possibility of learning respectfully from this traditions and reconnect with what we have lost
repairing the connection with Self, Nature and Spirit.
Honouring the placenta is a way of opening our hearts to the mystery of life,
embracing the rites of passage
and the new life that is beginning
with a deeper meaning,
for all members of the family and community.
The most important medicine we can receive
from the placenta
lies in the way we honour
the umbilical cord and placenta.
This way a two ways path is created,
we honour the placenta with reverence
and receive her blessing and protection
for our human experience journey.
Some traditions believe that when we feel lost in life,
if we connect with our placenta,
if we know where she is,
we will find our way back to a place
of health and wholeness
with our Soul’s purpose in this life time.
The rituals of umbilical cord cutting,
lotus birth,
burial ceremony,
placenta burning
-to name a few -
signify the culmination of the placenta’s vital role
in nourishing Life
and symbolise a deep connection
between the sacred triad of
mother, baby, placenta,
with the natural world
and the great mystery of Life.
are all very important but secondary medicines,
in some cases,
depending on the health of the mother/placenta,
are not even recommended.
